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Feeling exhausted and feeling tired all the time is extremely common.  Being tired all the time can be a sign of lack of sleep, physical exhaustion or caused by stress.

We all experience tiredness at times, but our busy lives make it easy to feel exhausted or feel tired all the time on a regular basis.  If you’re constantly feeling tired all the time, it’s important to identify the causes of your exhaustion. 

This article outlines why people feel tired, and shares 9 tips to stop feeling tired al the time. 

9 ways to stop feeling tired all the time 

Here are 9 ways to stop feeling tired all the time and get your energy back. 

1. Sleep better 

Having a good night’s sleep is important to help you feel refreshed and energetic. If you regularly feel tired all the time, try going to bed and getting up at the same time every day. 

Getting the right amount of sleep can improve your health and reduce stress levels.  It can also help you improve your memory and learning skills.  Taking time to relax before you go to bed will help you get to sleep quicker.  It’s also important to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night to combat feeling tired all the time. 

Get better sleep with my guide on how to sleep better at night.

2. Reduce stress 

Being tired all the time causes stress and exhaustion.  Experiencing some daily stress is normal, but over time, stress can have negative effects on your mind and body.  

Increased levels of stress often happen when you have too much to do, or you feel overwhelmed with everything you have going on.  Increased stress can also cause you to lose motivation and feel tired all the time.  Stress can also lead to sleepless nights, which increases exhaustion

To stop feeling tired all the time, identify the causes of stress.  Then, prioritise eliminating the things the causes of stress one by one.  

Read more about how to eliminate stress

3. Acknowledge you feel tired  

If you want to stop feeling tired al the time, the first step is to acknowledge that you’re feeling exhausted.  Next, identify the causes of your exhaustion. 

It’s easy to numb yourself to the fact that you are overtired or feel exhausted.   In the long run, that won’t help.  To overcome tiredness, identify the things that drain your energy, create tiredness and lead to feelings of exhaustion.

Once you’re clear about the causes of tiredness and exhaustion, make a commitment to stop doing them.  When you start feeling tired, exhausted and overwhelmed make a note of how you feel and what time of day it is.  

Next, identify what may have caused your exhaustion and how your body is reacting.  Finally, identify whether something or someone has triggered this feeling.  This will help you clarify the causes or your tiredness, and create a game plan to eliminate them.

4. Cut down on commitments

When you have too many things on your plate , you can feel tired tired all the time.  Having too many commitments leaves you overstretched and overwhelmed, causing physical and mental exhaustion.

Committing to things you really don’t want to do, causes irritability and low emotional engagement.   When you stack these up throughout your day, your stress levels and tiredness will increase.

Impending deadlines creates more stress, extreme tiredness and affects your decision making ability, which causes exhaustion.  To stop feeling tired all the time, cut down on your commitments and start being realistic about how much you can get done each day. 

Reduce the commitments you have or give yourself more time to complete them in. 

5. Get clear on your priorities

If you’re feeling tired all the time, it may be time to rethink your priorities and commitments.  Feeling exhausted all the time happens when you have too many things going on and too many things on your to-do list. 

If you’re trying to juggle too many things your energy levels will drop and you’ll struggle to maintain focus, causing tiredness.  Unfinished projects can make you self-critical and feel guilty which drops energy levels further, creating inaction. 

When your to-do list becomes overwhelming, start reducing your daily activities.  When you have less to focus on you feel more energised, motivated and excited.  The simplest way to achieve this balance is to prioritise your to-do list to a few important activities each day. 

Read more about how to boost energy and manage time effectively.

6. Express gratitude

Being tired all the time can reduce confidence and self-esteem.  When you feel exhausted you lack energy and motivation.  Expressing gratitude is a simple way to increase energy and confidence. 

Being thankful for what you have increases confidence and makes you feel more optimistic, which lowers stress levels.  Expressing gratitude can help you improve your sense of wellbeing and increase feelings of joy and happiness, which stops you feeling tired. 

Expressing gratitude and feeling grateful can also help you sleep better and longer, which reduces feelings of tiredness in the morning. 

Read my step by step guide on developing a gratitude mindset.

7. Focus on yourself

If you are feeling tired all the time you may be spending too much time focusing on other people’s needs, rather than your own.  To stop feeling tired all the time, focusing on what you need, and want.

If you are constantly putting other people first, it’s easy to feel exhausted.  Sometimes we extend ourselves too much and go beyond our personal limits to help others. That’s when feeling tired all the time, extreme fatigue and constant exhaustion can creep up on us.  

To stop exhaustion, practice self-care.  Plan your day and include time for exercise and regular breaks.  You can also practice self-care by getting enough sleep, meditating and eating healthily. 

Use these tips to create a better work-life balance.

8. Find time for rest and recovery 

To combat feeling tired all the time, it’s important to take frequent  breaks and set aside time for rest and rejuvenation.  Give your mind and body a break by taking time off and practising relaxation technique.

Taking time to recover, recharge and refocus will combat exhaustion and increase happiness and productivity.  Recovery time also help to fend off mental and physical tiredness and allows you to simply rest your mind and body.  

To stop feeling exhausted, remove yourself from the daily challenges that bring on tiredness and fatigue, even if it’s just for an hour.  

9. Get regular exercise

The simple act of introducing some form of physical activity into your day can make a huge difference to stop you feeling tired all the time.  Exercise can boost energy levels, make you feel much better about yourself and can help you avoid tiredness.

Start an exercise routine by finding something that fits into your life.  Whether that be walking, going to the gym, running or swimming.  The simple act of regular exercise will reduce feelings of exhaustion.

The key to combating exhaustion is to ensure your exercise routine is consistent so you can make it a habit.  Even a simple walk will help clear your head and shift your focus away from stressful thoughts.


This article shared 9 ways to stop feeling tired all the time.  Use these tips to feel more energised and fight fatigue. When you sleep better and get more exercise, you’ll feel less tired.

By focusing on yourself and finding time for rest and rejuvenation you’ll feel healthier and happier.  When you are clear on your priorities you can lower your commitments and eliminate stress. 

Use these tips to fight fatigue so you can feel more energised and productive.  

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About the Author

Mark Pettit is a time management coach based in Colchester, Essex, UK.  He is the Founder of time management coaching company, Lucemi Consulting.

Mark provides time management coaching and accountability coaching programs to entrepreneurs and small business owners.  He works with clients in London, Suffolk, Essex, East Anglia and across the UK and US.

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