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Goal setting is a simple process.  Achieving your goal can be challenging unless you are clear on the outcome you want to achieve.  Working towards a goal and achieving your goals can transform your life.  If you follow this simple four-step process you can achieve your goals faster, and easier.

The key to working towards a goal and achieving your goals  is to make progress every day.  When you feel like you’re making progress, momentum drives you forward.

Setting goals for things that are important to you keep you excited and motivated every day.  The path towards goal achievement is not always smooth.  Setting measurable goals with a deadline helps you course-correct along the way.

Setting goals gives you greater direction and focus.  When you have a system to work towards your goals, you feel more confident and motivated.

In this article, I’ll share a four-step process for working towards a goal and achieving it.

How to work towards your goals  

Here are 4 simple steps you can use to set your goals and work towards achieving your goals daily.

1. Write your goal down

Writing down your goal is the first step in working towards a goal.  Many people struggle with goal setting.  They have big aspirations in their minds but don’t write down the goals they want to achieve.

Written down goals become more powerful.  When you write down your goals, you are clear on what achieving your goals looks like, and feels like.  When writing down your goals, decide on a small number of goals you want to achieve.  This narrows your focus and ensures you make confident progress in achieving your goals every day.

Read my guide on how to write down your goals.

2. Break your goal down

Every time you set a goal, it’s important to understand the outcome you want to achieve.  Once you know your desired outcome you can plan your first step.

Big goals can be scary, so it’s important to break your goal down into bite-size chunks so the goal feels achievable.  If you don’t layout your first step and understand why that first step is important, it’s easy to get overwhelmed.

Don’t have too many goals if you want to achieve your goal.  I recommend setting five measurable goals every quarter.  This number allows you to stay focused on goal achievement every day.

Then, layout a clear plan and path to achieve your goals that includes monthly goals and weekly goals.  This gives you the framework to help you work towards your goal achievement daily.

3. Review your goals

Working towards a goal daily is a great process.  It is also important to review your performance.  When you review your performance, you may find you’re doing well on some goals and less well on others.

You may find you have a ways to go on some goals, but you’re close to completing other goals.  The good thing about checking in on progress every week, month, and quarter is that you can change up your goals.

You may decide to give yourself more time to work towards a goal and amend the measurement for a goal.  You can also decide to stop working towards a goal.

Remember, it’s fine to change course on your goals or change goals completely if life calls for that.

You may decide to set different goals for the next quarter than you originally set.  Reviewing and amending your goals ensures you always have a sense of forward motion.  Making progress is a big part of happiness.

4. Celebrate your goal achievement

The reason we start working towards a goal in the first place is that achieving that goal is important to us.  But, for many people, achieving a goal is something they set out to do.  They don’t take the time to celebrate achieving their goals.

Celebrating goal achievement is essential to build motivation and self-confidence. When you take the time to look at and celebrate what you’ve achieved you feel much happier.

This feeling is also the launchpad for setting even bigger and better goals for the future.  Always take a moment to celebrate achieving a goal, however big or small it may be.


Working towards a goal takes perseverance and courage.  When we set important goals, there will always be obstacles to overcome.

When you are clear on why the goal is important to you, you will become even more motivated to achieve your goal.  Use these 4 simple tips to help you set goals and work towards your goals each day.  They will help you stay on track and make the progress you want.

Now I’d love to hear from you.

What’s your best tip for achieving your goals?

Let me know in the comments.

Read also

Goal setting: how to set and achieve your goals 

8 tips on how to achieve your goals 

About the Author

Mark Pettit is the Founder of Lucemi Consulting and a small business coach to business owners who want to simplify their time, energy and focus so they can multiply their freedom, impact and results.

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